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TAAC - Traffic Accident Assistance Centre

Head of Claims

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TAAC Tip of the Week:
In Germany the term "Rechts vor Links"
In English: "Right before Left"
Simply explained:  all vehicles, of all traffic, including bicycles coming from the right side at an intersection have the right of way.  Also, if you are approaching an intersection and you have the sign "give way" on your lane and a vehicle is oncoming, including bicycles, you are obligated to give way.

Give way sign: 

Here you must
"give way"!   
You are obliged to stop and

allow them to pass through:


However, this does not imply, if there are signs indicating that you have right of way, as with a priority road or at an intersection with a sign showing you have right of way.

"right of way" - sign or "priority
road": everyone else wanting to
drive onto this road from a side road,
must yield to your vehicle whilst you
are driving on the priority road:


You have right of way only at an Intersection
with this sign:

The Information given here in this section is written to the best of our knowledge, however there still could be some false information within this section and therefore we will not be held liable for any accidents or damages caused due to misinformation within this section.
The Information provided in this section is for entertaiment purposes. 
You are Obligigated to do your own research to check how the Law on the German Road traffic act applys to you.
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